In addition to the Langnau porter Stéphane Charlin, no less than seven other players have given up their selection due to injury or illness.
A second goalkeeper, Ludovic Waeber, defenders Tobias Geisser and Romain Loeffel as well as the attackers Enzo Corvi, Tyler Moy, Théo Rochette and Tristan Scherwey had to package for the matches planned in Langnau (Thursday against Finland) then in Stockholm ( Saturday against Sweden and Sunday against Czech Republic).
To replace them, Patrick Fischer summoned goalkeepers Sandro Aeschlimann and Gilles Senn, defender Lukas Frick and attackers Marc Markon, Fabian Ritzmann, Yanick Sablatnig and Jonas Taibel. For Ritzmann (Bern), Sablatnig (Bienne) and Taibel (Rapperswil-Jona), this is the first invitation to team A.